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Geisha Samples

The Greatness Within


There is greatness within everyone, and sometimes we need to be reminded of who we are and what we possess. We each have a story to tell, an uplifting word to share. Just as babies thirst for the milk of their mother’s bosom, so our soul thirst for a word from the Lord. We all need food for our soul, nourishment and complete satisfaction. A kind word, a friendly smile or a gentle touch of the hand could be all it takes to encourage, motivate and give someone hope. I would like to share little morsels from my table in which God has prepared. I pray that all eyes and minds coming in contact with these words receive exactly what their soul is in need of. I pray that each of you will find the encouragement and motivation you need if only for this moment in time to get you through your going through and you know and understand the purpose in which you were created. I also pray that you get exactly what you need; if not for yourself, perhaps for someone you may encounter a long life’s BUSY highway and share this little spot of inspiration with them.

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